As casting rumors started bubbling, Joe Manganiello's name quickly got added to the heap. Though not a big name in Hollywood circles yet, he's gotten some superhero work on the old 'Spider-Man' franchise as Flash Roberts, and is currently Alcide Herveaux in the sexy vamp show 'True Blood.' But the actor has jumped onto Twitter to set the record straight, but it might just be a case of sneaky, careful punctuation.
On Twitter he wrote: "Just to be clear... as of today, I am not 'negotiating' to play SuperMan [sic]" He continued: "...but keep your fingers crossed and thanks for the wishful thinking." Ah, clarity... Perhaps we're just used to bad grammar and an all-out lack of punctuation on Twitter, but it seems noteworthy that Manganiello chose to add quotation marks around the word "negotiating." Could he possibly mean that he's just being clear about what stage of the process he's in? Or, is this meant to tell us that he is, in no way, being considered?
Well, if Manganiello doesn't play Supes, there are a few actor-wrestlers reportedly up for the gig. Bubbling rumors have actually stated that both John Cena and The Rock -- aka Dwayne Johnson -- are also being discussed to play our Clark Kent/Superman duo. Now that is something we weren't expecting, though perhaps it makes sense since both men are very comfortable performing stunts in tights, and Cena's chiseled jaw could make the wrassler/actor a very beefy Superman.
Which way should Zack Snyder and his team go? Are you Team Manganiello, Team WWE or someone else entirely?
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